El Khat - Mute

Eyal el Wahab: "Every distance between two people is an opportunity for conflict. Two of anything creates sides and sides create conflict. In such cases there will be muting.".
De basis voor Mute werd gelegd toen de kern van El Khat (multi-instrumentalist Eyal el Wahab, percussionist Lotan Yaish en organist Yefet Hasan) ging opnemen in een ondergrondse schuilplaats in een afgelegen dorp in de buurt van Jaffa.
Eyal el Wahab: "My state of mind at the time affected the compositions even before I wrote the music. And the isolated location gave us a chance to make sense of that.".
Na die opnamesessies emigreerde de groep in de zomer van 2023 naar Berlijn.
Eyal el Wahab: "These songs are about emigrating, leaving someone or somewhere. I don't think I've stayed in any one place for more than a year. For us Arab Jews whose families were forced to leave Yemen, it really began with that big move and our families' arrival in Israel, a land with a constant muting of the "other". They're about relationships and the struggle to see two sides as a whole and not something that ends with muting and conflict. The songs here are about old loves, country, family. They are about feelings and identity.".
In La Wala klinkt het dan ook: "Waarom kun je nooit genieten van het moment waarin je je bevindt en zeg je altijd gedag? Waarom? Waarom?".
Voor een lichtere noot zorgt El Khat dan weer met Commodore Lothan: "The song is a joke, really. Basically, it's about us the band and our drummer Lotan Yaish. He's Commander Lothan, that's a nickname we have for him.".
Muzikaal ligt Mute dan weer in het verlengde van voorganger Albat Alawi Op.99, iets dat ook Eyal beaamt: "Mute really feels like a continuation of what we did on our last album, Albat Alawi Op.99. It's like the B-side, more pages in the chapter.".
Dat klinkt de ene keer alsof je luistert naar een klassiek Arabisch orkest (opener Tislami Tislami, La Wala) en elders weer als een knipoog naar de traditionele Jemenitische muziek waar el Wahab zo verzot op is, zoals in Almania (Arabisch voor "Duitsland") of Commodore Lothan, steeds met el Wahab's zelfgemaakte instrumenten in een hoofdrol.
Met betrekking tot de huidige stand van zaken in het Midden-Oosten voegt Eyal tenslotte nog toe: "We Arab Jews of Yemeni origin condemn the war in Gaza. The war is a mute, the actions of leaders are a mute, dividing Islam and Judaism or any other religion is a mute. Judging people based on their skin colour, where they were born, or ethnicity is a mute. A lot of people easily determine between good and bad but I believe they are linked together depending from which angle you are looking. That's what I've been dealing with in my writing: opening up to both sides, and listening, being completely aware, without labelling, without muting.".
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